By Barbara Moran on 2018-07-20 – Needs & Craves

By Barbara Moran on 2018-07-20

Posted by Barbara Moran on

                                Back in the Groove

       We all have those days when we just want it to be over.  Tired, Slow , Achy.  That is how I would spend most of my days.  Then I started reading all the research about how much HEMP was helping others feel better I needed to get back on my feet to take care of my family.  Let me tell you about my family.  Mark and I have been together for 31 years and will married for 30 years in August.  We have 4 kids well adults.  Matthew is 29, Kaitlin 27, Zach  24 and Donnie 24.  Zach and Donnie are not twins they are 10 months and 3 days apart cant get much closer than that can you ?  I have been blessed since the day I met Mark the love of my life.  My life seemed gray and colorless and then I was introduced to an amazing man.  When I think about the day I first saw him it was like the color was added to my life and it has been colorful and light since that day. 

      When I started to slow down and feel sluggish I did not want to miss one moment of this life because I was tired.  I started to explore Hemp to see what everyone was talking about and I wanted to feel how they said they were feeling.  I ordered first bottle of HEMP.  I started to take it in the mornings before work .  I really did not think much about it I didn't expect much but the following day while I was working I realized I was not tired or achy.  I also slept so well that night.  The next day I went back to the website that I ordered my oil from and became a representative for this wonderful product I am going to get my piece of this ever growing empire.  You can get yours too.


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