Go Pink – Needs & Craves

Go Pink

Posted by Barbara Moran on


                                          Go Pink 

            We have change the Blog's look to include the color Pink.  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  This issue is very and dear to my heart.  I lost a very special family member about 5 years ago. Someone who I was very close too and was the sweetest and most kind soul on this earth. My mom is also currently dealing with Breast Cancer.  Thank God it is not too serious she will have surgery next week and should only need a few radiation treatment and be done with it.  I pray each day the plan they have laid out for her will the path is all she will have to deal with in this journey.  Cancer is the most vile word in all languages across the world.  We have to push the government to put more money into cancer research. If I was give one wish in this world it would not be to be rich or famous or anything else.  My wish would be that Cancer would disappear from this world and never touch another life again.  I pray everyday that Cancer stays the HELL away from my family.  I hate Cancer just like every other living soul in this world today.  So keep the ones that have battled cancer and won, those that are currently dealing with Cancer and of course those we have lost to Cancer.   Find someway this month to give back if we all stand together hopefully one day the world will be FREE of this awful disease.  

 From all of us at NeedsandCraves



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